Livingstone Foundation Higher Secondary School Thahekhu Kevijau Colony Dimapur Nagaland, 797112
The school has been founded on the pattern of the conventional Public School by the Livingstone Foundation Society since 1988. It is a residential cum day school and offers Co-educational facilities. It was established on 15th October, 1988 with the total enrollment of 52 students from Classes : LKG to III. There were 40 boarders and 12 day scholars. At present the school comfortably accommodates 1500 students with modern Boarding facilities for an average of 500 students. Every class section has been well balanced with teacher-student ratio to ensure personalized teaching since increase in numbers would jeopardize one of the Livingstone Foundation School’s educational Principles, namely, the importance of maintaining individual relationships between the teachers and students. This school has been recognized and upgraded upto class : XII as per CBSE Affiliation No. 1430014, with all the Streams viz. Arts, Science and Commerce.
Livingstone Foundation Higher Secondary School Thahekhu Kevijau Colony Dimapur Nagaland, 797112
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